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The BeWell Toolkit gives teachers everything they need to create a restorative classroom in one box!

Create your “Be” norms with students as you collectively identify the expectations of the space.

Create your talking piece as a symbol of collective respect to the person speaking while everyone is invited to listen.

Use the conversation cards to navigate conflict in a way the builds community and repairs harm.

Use our stress balls to help students and teachers manage stress and remain grounded, our fidget spinners to keep students engaged and regulated and our mood pencils to promote mood and emotion awareness.


Toolkit Includes:

- 25 stress balls

- 25 fidgets

- 1 conversation card

- 1 affirmation poster

- 1 "Be Norms" dry erase poster

- 25 pencils 

- Materials to create a talking peice


Age group: K-12


Be Well Toolkit


    © 2023 BeWell Tools

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    Created by JLDCG

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